Ngarep> Produk> Rod Magnetik

Rod Magnetik

(Total 3 Products)

  • 12000 Gauss Neodymium Filter Rod Magnet

    Get Latest Price

    Min. Pesenan:20 Piece/Pieces

    Model No:Magnetic rod


    Packaging:kothak ukuran customed

    Kemampuan Supply:500pcs/month

    Panggonan Asal:NINGBO / CHINA


    12000 gauss neodymium Filter rod magnet magnet rod Filter neodymium Highly efektif bisa diinstal ing sembarang titik ing ngalangi utawa Cairan materi mili kanggo nyekel lan misahake partikel ferrous banget nggoleki. Magnetik ferit iku siji kanggo...

  • 12000 gauss filter rod magnetik

    Get Latest Price

    Min. Pesenan:20 Piece/Pieces

    Model No:magnetic rod


    Packaging:kothak ukuran customed

    Kemampuan Supply:500pcs/month

    Panggonan Asal:NINGBO / CHINA


    12000 gauss filter rod magnetik Pemisah magnetik digunakake kanggo ngekstrak lan mbusak bahan feromagnetik saka campuran cair utawa padhet. Grid lan rod pemisah umume ditrapake ing industri panganan & farmasi ing ngendi skema pengurangan bahaya...

  • Bar Filter Magnetik Standar Kanthi Tabung Stainless Steel

    Get Latest Price

    Min. Pesenan:20 Piece/Pieces

    Model No:magnetic rod


    Packaging:kothak ukuran customed

    Kemampuan Supply:500pcs/month

    Panggonan Asal:NINGBO / CHINA


    Bar Filter Magnetik Standar Kanthi Tabung Stainless Steel Bar Filter Magnetik minangka bagean utama saka separator grate magnetik sing beda. Padha bisa èfèktif mbusak Kripik ferrous lan partikel logam saka longgar dikempalken, bahan free mili ing...

Rod Magnetik dieksploitasi ing industri utawa sektor sing bisa dimucu bahan minangka syarat kanggo nggayuh kualitas paling luweh. Rod pemisahan jinis iki digunakake kanggo ngilangi tujuan logam tramp saka cecair utawa bahan garing. Iki minangka salah sawijining jinis pamisah sing mbantu ngilangi kontaminasi ferrous saka wilayah sing angel di resiki. Melu minangka tukang rod magnetik Suppliers tanggung jawab dadi luwih kritis amarga kita kudu validasi lan priksa kabeh bahan sing metu saka unit manufaktur. Minangka bagéan saka proses entuk produk sing berkualitas, rod pemisahan digawe diselehake ing titik kritis peralatan kasebut.

Minangka bagean penting kanggo pemisahan kanggo nggayuh kualitas lan produk murni, rod kasebut digawe kanthi titik kritis lan ditrapake.

Aplikasi kanthi wicaksana magnetik digunakake ing industri pangolahan ing endi pemisahan antarane bahan magnetik lan non-magnetik bisa ditindakake. Produksi panganan, industri farmasi, industri plastik, industri kimia, industri daur ulang pertanian minangka wilayah sing penting banget ing rod kasebut. Mangkono kita minangka supplier rod magnetik nyedhiyakake produk sing ora mung ngresiki materi nanging uga nglindhungi mesin apa wae sing kena pengaruh.

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Ngarep> Produk> Rod Magnetik

Technical Data

1. Standard bars is 25mm in diameter and any length per customer's request, the Max length up to2500mm, square or other magnetic tubes with different shapes and dimensions are also available.
2. Sunmag magnetic filter bar usually made of seamless 304 stainless steel tubes or 316 stainless steel tubes, can be fine polished and full welded to meet food grade or pharmacy application.
3. Usual max working temperature is 80℃, we can offer up to 350℃ to meet your special applications.
4. Various ends-nail head, thread hole, double screw bolt and other kind ends are also available.
5. Full welding Standard Magnetic Filter Bar for a better protection.
6.By using ferrite magnets or different grade rare earth magnets, different magnetic strength are available to meet every customer's requirement, the highest magnetic strength of Diameter 25mm tubes can achieve 13,000GS(1.3T).

Product Detail

12000 gauss neodymium filter rod magnet    Highly effective neodymium filter rod magnet can be installed at any point in solid or liquid material flows to catch and separate very fine ferrous particles.

12000 gauss Filter Magnetic Rod                          Magnetic separators are used to extract and remove ferromagnetic materials from liquid or solid mixtures. The separator grids and rods are widely applied in food & pharmaceutical industries where Hazard Analysis Critical and Control Point (HACCP) hazard reduction schemes are implemented.

Standard Magnetic Filter Bar With Stainless Steel Tube                                                              Magnetic filter bars are the main part of different magnetic grate separators. They can effectively remove ferrous chips and metal particles from loosely packed, free flowing materials in liquids and powders to meet food grade or pharmacy application.

Company Profile

JINYU MAGNET (NINGBO) CO., LTD, established in 2011, specialized in studying, manu-facturing, developing and applying Ndfeb magnets and Ndfeb Magnetic Assemblies.
JINYU MAGNET keeps introducing advanced production and testing equipment and expe-rienced professional personel to fully support more customers from over 30 countries.
Our magnetic products are mainly used in wind turbines & generators, serve motors, staring motor, linear motors, motive power, apparatus, loudspeakers, MRI, etc.
The principle " QUALITY FIRST, CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION " guided us to satisfied customers with best service.

Business Type

Trade Company , Manufacturer

Product Range 

Magnetic Materials

We will lead you every step until succeed!


Company Show


Hak cipta © 2024 Jinyu Magnet (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. Kabeh hak dilindhungi undhang-undhang.

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